Chapter 6 Run shiny app

6.1 Open shiny

# Run shiny app

6.2 scRNA-seq

The scRNA-seq of one APL (AML with PML::RARA fusion, also called acute promyelocytic leukemia)) patient (including 3,000 cells) was used for illustration. The input format for RNA-seq analysis was a Seurat object.

The expample data of APL scRNA-seq (Seurat object) can be downloaded APL scrna seurat demo data or generated use Seurat::CreateSeuratObject.

Click Upload to upload the seurat object.

And wait for about one minute for calculation.

Visualization of cosine-like score of the subcluster.

Circle visualization of APL, colored by cell type.

Circle visualization of APL, colored by cell proportion.

Cluster-tree visualization of APL, absolute proportional mode.

Cluster-tree visualization of APL, relative proportional mode.

Cluster-tree visualization of the reference, relative proportional mode.

6.3 Bulk RNA-seq

The expample data of B-ALL bulk RNA-seq can be downloaded via B-ALL bulk demo data

The expample data of AML bulk RNA-seq can be downloaded via AML bulk demo data

Click Upload to upload the expression matrix.

Cluster-tree visualization of B-ALL (colored by score value).

Cluster-tree visualization of B-ALL (colored by cell type).

Lollipop visualization of AML (colored by cell type).